Staplehurst School

Curriculum Overview 

As a local authority school our curriculum is based on the United Kingdom’s National Curriculum.
At Staplehurst, we consider our curriculum to be knowledge-rich. We view the curriculum as the mastery of a body of subject-specific knowledge, the definition of which has been carefully considered and sequenced to offer children the best opportunities as successful 21st century citizens. We champion ‘big ideas’ and invaluable knowledge that children deserve – this informs how we grow our pupils, and how we ensure that when they leave, they have had a rich, culturally diverse experience and are ready to progress to secondary school as well-rounded, considerate individuals.

Our curriculum reflects our community and serves as both a window and mirror. A window so that children can see out of – new opportunities and knowledge; a mirror so that they can see themselves reflected in it. Our research informed curriculum has been developed together with subject leaders to reflect the best practices and also continues to iterate as we reflect on the best opportunities and outcomes for children – they come first. ‘

Staplehurst School

“The more we expect of ourselves and one another, the more we can achieve”

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